Tuesday 15 December 2015

EdCom brief


The European Media Alliance was initiated by the ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE in 2014 and is a media network of leading European broadcasters to enhance geographical reach and investment opportunities in the digital space.
Currently, the Alliance comprises the following 7 members, and discussions with further partners are ongoing:
ProSiebenSat.1 (Germany)TF1 (France) Channel 4 (UK) Modern Times Group (CEE & Nordics) Antenna Group (Balkan) TVN (Poland)Dogan TV (Turkey)
The Challenge

The benfits of the internet is it allows free access to data, but on the terms you receive advertising via this,

Virtual revolution-Documentary

Says that you are selling yourselves, your information for this free information, as everytime you go online and look at something, or type something, google and other web pages target you with anything slightly resembling that which you may have seen or looked at via your search.

Key Questions to consider, how has the internet changed your day to day life,
Has the use of smart phones and their ability to everything a computer can online made the internet not just more accessible but more a necessity.

The brief in my words

The client

The European Media Alliance, this consist of all platforms and devices. The European Media alliance contains Channel 4, TF1, and Modern Times group.

The challenge

The internet has been free due to advertising, but with the recent surge of ad black has highlighted a fundamental issue, as most digital platforms can only survive if they allow advertising or charge.


Create an awareness campaign that shows the importance of advertising for the internet, using digital platforms with strategy and tactical message.

Desired Message

Internet offers many befits that only made possible because of advertising

The Problem

Independent journalism, i.e online, magazine is under threat due to its funding coming from advertising, advertising allows the publications to be free. Thus giving us access to information on war-torn countries, to football

Arguments that help deliver the promise

Information is knowledge, and knowledge comes from the access to other cultures and information via the web

It allows-
-Greater transparency between governments and citizens

-access to education

-Equality of different cultures


-Buisness communication

-enriches peoples lives

-Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

Advertising enables all of this- without this society would crumble

Target Audience

European Citizens, ideally, 25-35s, those would have been old enough to remember a time without wifi, social media and smartphones, but now rely on them for work and personal reasons

Desired User Response

I now understand how advertising plays an important role in allowing the free access of the web


Positive, informative, useful, honest.

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