Friday 11 December 2015

Initials before first meeting: 

How would you know?...what character you are, about trends, what your friend is doing, what a christmas latte looks like, what quinoa is, what the weather will be like?

'Cant see the page for the ads' play on wood for trees.

'Good things come to those who wait'


Hand in hand

Cant have one without the other

Petition/ foto get rid of adblockers and bring in subscriptions.

A fake charity for poor web pages going extinct

Receipts and bills for what you've searched or read.

First meeting with the group this idea moved to a taxi meter or a timer, then to a menu of what things cost e.g. a post or streaming a song or video, war time rations of data and content, coupons/vouchers.

During the first meeting Suraj told me about FOMO a fear of missing out which seems to be a common theme among our target audience, as they are always updating their profiles and checking others.

Suraj and Emily developed the How would you know concept to create some initial copy ads.
Suraj had an idea about 'One without the other' relating to eyebrows, this concept can be carried into other ideas too.

I missed the crit but heard it went ok, but we have plenty of ideation to get on with. Our initial proposition was Everything/Its/Stay Connected, but this has changed to Symbiotic Relationship, which at first we felt was too confusing but it is only a proposition that inspires and directs ideation, symbiotic does include staying connecting but can also include many other routes allowing for greater ideation.

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