Friday 11 December 2015

Product/service/message research from week 1

Ablockers will end listicles (e.g. 21 pictures of cats in small spaces), clickbait (web content with sensationalist titles created to be read and shared on social medias) and stupid quiz's (e.g. which harry potter character are you).

Native advertising is more effective than display/banner ads.

Ad Blockers Present New Opportunities for Native Advertising

One outcome of the renewed interest in ad blockers could be an increase in the popularity and prevalence of native advertising.
Native ads look, read, and appear just like “true” content, putting them beyond the reach of ad blocking technology. Native advertising has become increasingly popular in recent years, but could soon become even more popular if ad blocker adoption continues to rise. Not every advertiser will be able to implement a native advertising campaign (or should, even if they have the means), but it’s another direction that online advertising could take in the future.

Other types: 
Pop ups and unders
News feed

Apps, social media (can be entertaining and shareable), email, interactive websites e.g. newspaper and magazines.

Adblockers treat all ads the same, creative and dull, effective and ineffective.

Adds use up mobile data.

More adblockers=subscriptions to pages/networks=not available to everyone.

 Clickbaits grab peoples attention long enough to notice ads at the sides.

Social media content isn't free, your data is value.

Most online ads are bad ads which is why people get adblockers.

Some newspaper and magazine pages ban adblockers.

We're all apart of an online ecosystem, we need the internet, the internet needs ads.

Ads could become more intrusive due to adblocker.

Should the audience have the right to choose?...Freemium model or micropayment paying small amounts for every article/page you read.

Adblocking could be devastating to the pages people love, wiping out thousands...adpocalypse.

Adblocking has grown by 41% in the UK (the guardian september 2015 Naughton)

Living in an ad-speckled landscape (The Atlantic spetember 2015 Lawrence and Meyer)

Jason Kottke 17th September 2015 Twitter 'If you hate advertising, don't read/view as-supported media'

The more ads are banned on google the more will flow to Facebook where it cannot be blocked as posts.

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