Friday 11 December 2015

EDCOM Brief Ad Venture

The Challenge
To use digital platforms to make the audience understand the importance of online advertising in prodiving free and easily accessible internet to the target audience.
Target Audience
18-25 years old students to professionals, the 'always on' genertaion, who rely on their smart phones and the internet to be social media savvy and keep update on trends.
Friendly, intriguing, informative and honest.
Creative Strategy 
To inform the target audience that without online advertising they would not be able to access free content and would possibly have to pay subscription fees to use their all important social networks, as onlie advertising helps fund the internet, they work together in a symbiotic relaionship.
Desired Resonse
An undertsnading of how digital advertising gives the audiences free internet.
Online and print.
Showing how reliant the audience is on free accessible internet.

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