Sunday 10 January 2016

The presentation

Descriptions needs adding, when we meet, we will add them collectively

Thursday 7 January 2016


Part 2 - Countdown

Upon the spreading of print ads a 7 day timer is initiated across the country on digital billboards. An already anticipating audience question and search online for answers, to be greeted by, a website presenting the same timer and question: Are you prepared? 
Alongside the timer, when "Are you prepared?" is clicked, the website opens a window presenting various staged conspiracy videos of people trying to fathom the meaning of the ads, some going to the extreme of going "off the grid" to avoid the oncoming disaster. 

BIG IDEA - ADPOCALYPSE - Are You Prepared?

Adpocalypse part 1 - 

Release of various print ads to gain attention of public. Unsettling and ominous, the desired effect of these ads is to engage the audience through wondering what the ads themselves are talking about. Dramatic statements add tension, with the use of sandwich board's to replicate often hysterical conspirators voicing predictions of impending doom.   

Aftermath posters

Adpocalypse Deliverables



TV script/Visuals

Radio Script


Channel 4 have a history of not taking themselves too seriously and have done advertising/public service stunts before, especially JonSnow

Channel 4 also featured on the news of Shaun Of The Dead

On the day that the nation goes to the polls the nation’s most popular digital channel for young people, E4, will switch off its regular schedule for the day to encourage its viewers to stop watching TV and get out and vote in the general election. 
The E4 shut down is believed to be the first time in the UK a channel has shut down to encourage people to vote. It will be announced with a new television campaign launching today (Wednesday 22nd) across the 4 family of channels. Viewers will be introduced to Darren – the guy in charge of making sure E4 is on. He works in the E4 control room and has ultimate responsibility for the ‘on’ and ‘off’ switch.
As the new TV campaign explains, when polling stations open at 7am, Darren will switch E4 off. Viewers tuning in on the day will simply see Darren manning the control room in place of the usual schedule, commercials and promos.
Dan Brooke, Channel 4’s Chief Marketing and Communications Officer said: “Less than half of under-25s voted at the last election so we’ve engaged the most powerful weapon that we have at our disposal to try and boost that number – switching off their favourite TV channel for the day!” 
E4 is the number one digital channel for 16- 34 year old viewers attracting a 5.20% share of the young demographic so far this year – outperforming BBC2 and Channel 5. 
The E4 shut down is one of several initiatives by Channel 4 designed to motivate young people to engage and vote. Earlier this month Channel 4 launched ‘X’ - a new campaign aiming to boost the number of under-25s voting. ‘X’ shows young people how to register to vote online and will remind them to turn out on polling day through a series of free personalised SMS messages. On Monday 28th April Channel 4 will stream the first ever Youth Leaders’ Debate in association with Shout Out UK. In an online exclusive, seven youth party leaders will go up against each other as they tackle the key issues for young voters.